Company Description Louis Dreyfus Company is a leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods.
Our activities span the entire value chain from farm to fork, across a broad range of business lines, we leverage our global reach and extensive asset network to serve our customers and consumers around the world.
Structured as a matrix organization of six geographical regions and ten platforms, Louis Dreyfus Company is active in over 100 countries and employs approximately 18,000 people globally.
Job Description 根据国家和地方适用的SHE相关的法规及集团SHE政策要求,建立完整的项目管理SHE管理体系、标准作业程序、检查及考核办法等文件,以确保项目在符合法规范及集团政策要求下实施。跟踪SHE相关法律法规和政策的变化,及时进行内部沟通、差距分析和推动符合行动计划的建立和实施;组织领导项目环境影响、安全、职业卫生等相关评价、三同时验收等报告的批复和验收等;参与消防、防雷等设计、施工过程监控和验收,确保公司确认的保险建议措施和集团CSD政策的符合性;建立人员、设备和工具等入场前的安全查验机制,如特种设备和特种作业人员等进场前检查,确保符合要求、证件齐全,着装符合公司PPE政策;组织和提供SHE培训,确保员工具备岗位所需的SHE知识和能力,确保承包员工都经过培训并考核合格;组织制定各类应急预案,并定期组织开展预案的演练;制定项目SHE目标指标及相关预算;组织开展SHE相关风险识别和评价,并建立和推动落实风险消控计划。组织开展审核、检查和差距分析等,以确保SHE体系的有效运行和持续改善;负责与政府监管机构、利益相关方沟通与协调SHE相关事务;定期组织开展SHE委员会会议及跟进会议决议的执行;参与高风险作业的审批和督查,组织定期和不定期的现场安全大检查并跟进改进措施落实,主导SHE事故的调查和报告。会同专业人员对进场设备对进行检查,确保符合要求、证件齐全;参与承包商考核和评价,参与投标安全评价;负责SHE的周报、月报及项目安全档案管理,对相关数据进行处理、统计分析和汇报,发现问题并制定解决方案分享、推动行业内外适用的SHE最佳实践的实现。 Experience Education教育背景安全/环境/化学/食品/机械等工程类专业本科或以上学历Experience工作经历1、8年及以上SHE的管理经验,至少2个1亿元人民币规模绿地建设项目SHE管理经验;2、欧美外资公司2年及以上工作经验,油脂生产、饲料加工、化工、食品加工等行业等优先。Competency能力1、精通 SHE 法律法规以及熟悉国际认证 ISO14001 和 ISO450012、具备建筑施工安全、工艺安全管理(PSM)基本知识和技能3、具有在多元化文化工作环境下较强的沟通、协调组织能力和人员管理技能4、具备敏锐地发现问题并解决问题的能力 Additional Information 熟练的英语听、说、读、写能力具有国家注册安全工程师资质(同等条件下同时具备SHE相关国际认证资质者优先考虑)What We Offer- A dynamic and stimulating international environment, which embraces diversity, equity and inclusion.- Learning & development opportunities.- Competitive compensation and benefits.- Insurance systems & schemes.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion LDC is driven by a set of shared values and high ethical standards, with diversity and inclusion being part of our DNA.
LDC is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity, equity and inclusion.
LDC encourages diversity, supports local communities and environmental initiatives.
We encourage people of all backgrounds to apply.
Sustainability Sustainable value is at the heart of our purpose as a company We are passionate about creating fair and sustainable value, both for our business and for other value chain stakeholders: our people, our business partners, the communities we touch and the environment around us.
Company Description Louis Dreyfus Company is a leading merchant and processor of agricultural goods.
Our activities span the entire value chain from farm to fork, across a broad range of business lines, we leverage our global reach and extensive asset network to serve our customers and consumers around the world.
Structured as a matrix organization of six geographical regions and ten platforms, Louis Dreyfus Company is active in over 100 countries and employs approximately 18,000 people globally.
Job Description 根据国家和地方适用的SHE相关的法规及集团SHE政策要求,建立完整的项目管理SHE管理体系、标准作业程序、检查及考核办法等文件,以确保项目在符合法规范及集团政策要求下实施。跟踪SHE相关法律法规和政策的变化,及时进行内部沟通、差距分析和推动符合行动计划的建立和实施;组织领导项目环境影响、安全、职业卫生等相关评价、三同时验收等报告的批复和验收等;参与消防、防雷等设计、施工过程监控和验收,确保公司确认的保险建议措施和集团CSD政策的符合性;建立人员、设备和工具等入场前的安全查验机制,如特种设备和特种作业人员等进场前检查,确保符合要求、证件齐全,着装符合公司PPE政策;组织和提供SHE培训,确保员工具备岗位所需的SHE知识和能力,确保承包员工都经过培训并考核合格;组织制定各类应急预案,并定期组织开展预案的演练;制定项目SHE目标指标及相关预算;组织开展SHE相关风险识别和评价,并建立和推动落实风险消控计划。组织开展审核、检查和差距分析等,以确保SHE体系的有效运行和持续改善;负责与政府监管机构、利益相关方沟通与协调SHE相关事务;定期组织开展SHE委员会会议及跟进会议决议的执行;参与高风险作业的审批和督查,组织定期和不定期的现场安全大检查并跟进改进措施落实,主导SHE事故的调查和报告。会同专业人员对进场设备对进行检查,确保符合要求、证件齐全;参与承包商考核和评价,参与投标安全评价;负责SHE的周报、月报及项目安全档案管理,对相关数据进行处理、统计分析和汇报,发现问题并制定解决方案分享、推动行业内外适用的SHE最佳实践的实现。 Experience Education教育背景安全/环境/化学/食品/机械等工程类专业本科或以上学历Experience工作经历1、8年及以上SHE的管理经验,至少2个1亿元人民币规模绿地建设项目SHE管理经验;2、欧美外资公司2年及以上工作经验,油脂生产、饲料加工、化工、食品加工等行业等优先。Competency能力1、精通 SHE 法律法规以及熟悉国际认证 ISO14001 和 ISO450012、具备建筑施工安全、工艺安全管理(PSM)基本知识和技能3、具有在多元化文化工作环境下较强的沟通、协调组织能力和人员管理技能4、具备敏锐地发现问题并解决问题的能力 Additional Information 熟练的英语听、说、读、写能力具有国家注册安全工程师资质(同等条件下同时具备SHE相关国际认证资质者优先考虑)What We Offer- A dynamic and stimulating international environment, which embraces diversity, equity and inclusion.- Learning & development opportunities.- Competitive compensation and benefits.- Insurance systems & schemes.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion LDC is driven by a set of shared values and high ethical standards, with diversity and inclusion being part of our DNA.
LDC is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a working environment that embraces and values diversity, equity and inclusion.
LDC encourages diversity, supports local communities and environmental initiatives.
We encourage people of all backgrounds to apply.
Sustainability Sustainable value is at the heart of our purpose as a company We are passionate about creating fair and sustainable value, both for our business and for other value chain stakeholders: our people, our business partners, the communities we touch and the environment around us.
Project She Manager, Tianjin
China, 天津, 天津,
发表 January 24, 2025