Business, English to Armenian Job posted at: Nov , 4 : GMT (GMT: Nov , 4 :) Job type: Translation/editing/proofing job Service required: Translation Languages: English to Armenian Job description: Language Pair: English to Armenian Content: Sales agreement Task Type: Translation/Editing/Proofreading Requirement: Proven experience in translation, ideally within the related field Budget and payment details: Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of this job.
Poster country: China Service provider targeting (specified by job poster): Membership: Non-members may quote after hours Subject field: Business/Commerce (general) Quoting deadline: Dec , 4 : GMT Delivery deadline: Dec , 4 : GMT About the outsourcer: This job was posted by a Blue Board outsourcer with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of out of 5 Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.
{ "@context": "@type": "Job Posting", "title": "Business, English to Armenian", "date Posted": "4--T::+:", "valid Through": "4--T::+:", "employment Type": "CONTRACTOR", "hiring Organization": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "same As": }, "job Location": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "Postal Address", "address Country": "China" }, "additional Property": { "@type": "Property Value", "value": "TELECOMMUTE" } }, "base Salary": { "@type": "Monetary Amount", "currency": "EUR", "value": { "@type": "Quantitative Value", "value": "min Value": "max Value": "unit Text": "WORD" } }, "skills": "Translation, English to Armenian, Professional services", "industry": "Business/Commerce (general)", "description": " Services required: Translation Language pairs: English to Armenian Subject fields: Business/Commerce (general) Description: Language Pair: English to Armenian Content: Sales agreement Task Type: Translation/Editing/Proofreading Requirement: Proven experience in translation, ideally within the related field "}
Business, English To Armenian, China
Business, English To Armenian, China
China, China, China,
发表 November 29, 2024