
Translate Simplified Chinese To Traditional Chinese In Hong Kong, China

China, China, China
发表 2024-11-27
过期 2024-12-27
ID #2475509004
Translate Simplified Chinese To Traditional Chinese In Hong Kong, China
China, China, China,
发表 November 27, 2024


Translate Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong Job posted at: Nov 1, 4 : GMT (GMT: Nov 1, 4 :) Job type: Potential Job Service required: Translation Languages: Chinese Job description: Medical instructions, experimental reports, and medical device manuals.

Other requirements: Accept one free test, approximately words.

Email: you have a skpye account, please send me an application on skpye.

Budget and payment details: Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.

Payment method: Bank transfer Service provider targeting (specified by job poster): Required expertise: Medical Required specific fields: Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general) Required native language: Chinese Subject field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals Required software: Trados Studio Required quoter location: China Credential: Must have reported credentials or a Certified PRO certificate.

Quoting deadline: Mar 1, 2 : GMT Additional requirements: Requirement: Hong Kong residents with years of medical experience.

About the outsourcer: This job was posted by a Business Plus member.

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Project Manager { "@context": "@type": "Job Posting", "title": "Translate Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong", "date Posted": "4--T::+:", "valid Through": "2--T::+:", "employment Type": "CONTRACTOR", "hiring Organization": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "same As": }, "job Location": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "Postal Address", "address Country": "China" } }, "base Salary": { "@type": "Monetary Amount", "currency": "USD", "value": { "@type": "Quantitative Value", "value": "min Value": "max Value": "unit Text": "WORD" } }, "skills": "Translation, Chinese, Professional services", "industry": "Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general), Medical", "description": " Services required: Translation Language pairs: Chinese Subject fields: Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general), Medical Description: Medical instructions, experimental reports, and medical device manuals.

Other requirements: Accept one free test, approximately words.

Email: you have a skpye account, please send me an application on skpye.

Additional requirements: Requirement: Hong Kong residents with years of medical experience.



工作类型: 全职
合同类型: 永恒的
薪酬类型: 每月
职业: Translate simplified chinese to traditional chinese in hong kong

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