Translate Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong Job posted at: Nov 1, 4 : GMT (GMT: Nov 1, 4 :) Job type: Potential Job Service required: Translation Languages: Chinese Job description: Medical instructions, experimental reports, and medical device manuals.
Other requirements: Accept one free test, approximately words.
Email: you have a skpye account, please send me an application on skpye.
Budget and payment details: Budget information for this job is restricted to those who meet the requirements of the job.
Payment method: Bank transfer Service provider targeting (specified by job poster): Required expertise: Medical Required specific fields: Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general) Required native language: Chinese Subject field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals Required software: Trados Studio Required quoter location: China Credential: Must have reported credentials or a Certified PRO certificate.
Quoting deadline: Mar 1, 2 : GMT Additional requirements: Requirement: Hong Kong residents with years of medical experience.
About the outsourcer: This job was posted by a Business Plus member.
Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.
Contact person title: Project Manager { "@context": "@type": "Job Posting", "title": "Translate Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong", "date Posted": "4--T::+:", "valid Through": "2--T::+:", "employment Type": "CONTRACTOR", "hiring Organization": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "same As": }, "job Location": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "Postal Address", "address Country": "China" } }, "base Salary": { "@type": "Monetary Amount", "currency": "USD", "value": { "@type": "Quantitative Value", "value": "min Value": "max Value": "unit Text": "WORD" } }, "skills": "Translation, Chinese, Professional services", "industry": "Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general), Medical", "description": " Services required: Translation Language pairs: Chinese Subject fields: Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general), Medical Description: Medical instructions, experimental reports, and medical device manuals.
Other requirements: Accept one free test, approximately words.
Email: you have a skpye account, please send me an application on skpye.
Additional requirements: Requirement: Hong Kong residents with years of medical experience.
Translate Simplified Chinese To Traditional Chinese In Hong Kong, China
Translate Simplified Chinese To Traditional Chinese In Hong Kong, China
China, China, China,
发表 November 27, 2024