(Senior) SAP S4 HANA Rollout Specialist Shanghai, China — thyssenkrupp Presta Shanghai Co Ltd Job-Details Vertragsart : Vollzeit , Unbefristet Einstiegslevel : Berufserfahrene Home Office : Keine Angabe Einsatzbereich : Projektmanagement Status : Laufende Rekrutierung, Eintrittsdatum flexibel Veröffentlichung : 14.11.2024 Stellen-ID : 0_RS_CN01838 Aufgaben 1.
During the daproh Rollout of Chinai)Onboarding into the projectii)Get an in depth understanding of the daproh template in the relevant field (SCM, PSM, OPS, QAM, CAR)(1)Understand the set boundaries / guardrails that must not be violated(2)Understand the template approach for a rollout to increase rollout speed andreduce implementation effortiii)Understand the (master) data structure within P11 and P2 Tiv)Understand the Presta processes in the field within different plants in Chinav)Understand how the processes are working within the current SAP System (P11)vi)Understand how the processes are working within the new SAP System (P2 T)vii)Understand the differences and the impact of those on processes and end usersviii)Support Chinese Power Key Users in their tasks (e.g.
validation, training, wording ofrequirements, testing, hyper care support, ) in order to be able to coach, guide andsupport Power Key Users in plants within Europe and NAFTAix)Participate in different Go Lives in China to understand how the Go Live phase incl.the Hypercare in a plant is handled and take over tasks from the Rollout Team to beable to carry out tasks individually during a Go Live in Europe and NAFTA2.
During the daproh Rollouts in EU and NAFTAi)Support, coach and guide local Power Key Users in their tasks (e.g.
validation,training, wording of requirements, testing, hyper care support) ii)Support the local rollout project leadsiii)Execute defined tasks within a Go Live / Cutover in alignment with the Central Squads and the Rollout Teamiv)Push template usage by(1)Explaining the template to local Power Key Users through guided walkthroughs(2)Challenging local requirements towards template usage(3)Aligning with the Central Squads on details of requirements, template usage andenhancement of the template Profil 1.
Willingness to travel globally2.
Very good English language skills, Spanish or German are a plus3.
Extensive experience in working in and with a global project team4.
Several years of work experience in automotive or manufacturing industry in the field of(SCM, PSM, OPS, QAM, CAR)i.
In depth experience with SAP in relevant modules as a userii.
Experience with SAP S/4 HANA a plusiii.
Strong understanding of relevant processes within the fieldiv.
Knows and consider the integrative interactions of all major business processes.v.
Ideally having worked as a key user before5.
Experience in training executing and project management a plus6.
Proactive, problem solving mindset Das bieten wir Our international culture and environment encourages mutual trust and offers interactive spaces where we can easily collaborate, exchange ideas and work together.
We offer our employees a wide range of benefits and entitlements that are competitive and consistent with our industry.
Our offices are comfortable and fitted with modern furnishings and all offices have locations for employees to rest and relax.
We provide professional training opportunities.
Our career model is equally set up for an expert in a technical position or as a functional manager.
Das ist uns wichtig Sicherheit & Gesundheit - Höchste Standards für Arbeitssicherheit sowie vielseitige Gesundheitsförderung und -vorsorge.
Altersvorsorge - Wir unterstützen Dich individuell mit verschiedenen Modellen.
Zusammenhalt - Kollegialität ist uns enorm wichtig – wir begegnen einander mit Respekt, Anerkennung und Wertschätzung.
Weiterbildung - Du entwickelst dich durch Schulungs- und Fortbildungsangebote fachlich wie persönlich.
Vergütung - Faire Arbeitsbedingungen und eine wettbewerbsfähige Vergütung als wichtige Basis.
Vielfalt - Wir fördern eine offene und tolerante Arbeitskultur.
Familie & Beruf - Familie & Beruf: Mit der Work-Life-Balance im Blick garantieren wir geregelte Arbeitzeiten.
Gestaltungsfreiheit - Ein freies Arbeitsumfeld mit einer gesunden Fehlerkultur, in dem Du neue Lösungen ausprobieren kannst Flexibilität - Flexibilität: Wir unterstützen bspw.
durch flexible Arbeitszeiten, Homeoffice-Angebote und Optionen unterschiedlicher Auszeiten.
Nachhaltigkeit - Wir handeln verantwortungsvoll und umweltbewusst.
Onboarding - Onboarding: Individuelle und persönliche Angebote zum Start in den Job.
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(senior) Sap S4 Hana Rollout Specialist, Shanghai
(senior) Sap S4 Hana Rollout Specialist, Shanghai
China, 上海, 上海,
发表 January 29, 2025