
Customer Service Representative, 福州市

China, Fj, 福州市
发表 2025-01-22
过期 2025-02-22
ID #2563885999
Customer Service Representative, 福州市
China, Fj, 福州市,
发表 January 22, 2025


  工作地点 : Fuzhou      携手共 进,共创辉煌 。   奥力根工具集 团公司已经取得了一些令人引以为豪的成就,我们认为是时候邀请您成为其中的一员了。在奥力根工具工作,您将创建自己的职业生涯,并在做好自己的工 作的同 时为整个公司做出贡献。我们寻找的是那些勇于挑战并期望周围的伙伴也抱有同样态度的人。我们是一个以目标为导向的组织,我们坚定地致力于为团队成员的才华展现创造机会,从而鼓舞他们周围的伙伴,以使我们共同赢得胜利 。   在全球2,4 00 名 团队成员中,您不仅仅是链条中的一环。在新产品、项目和业务部门等领域,奥力根工具为您提供了在我们的业务中进行系统性变革的空间。您将怎样留下自己的印记呢 ?   Primary Duties and Responsibilities: Independent order processing, co-ordination with the material planning department and production, and ensuring flawless dispatch routes to the customer in co-operation with the shipping department.

Customer-oriented clarification of disruptions within the order processing, Checking of incoming payments.

Customer service by telephone in co-ordination with the sales representatives.

Forwarding of customer complaints to the sales department.

Effectively manage client relationships Increase customer satisfaction by improving internal processes in close collaboration with the commercial operations team Work with the Relationship Manager to achieve the business target On-going support for existing dealers To help the sales on board new clients into system by managing account opening/customer due diligence procedures Schedules personnel responding to critical situations in a timely way to achieve customer satisfaction.

Support Sales in promoting service contracts and service products to help capture service revenue.

Provide order process support in segment such as customer data recording, contract negotiation, delivery tracking and payment condition, etc Coordinates customer visit and supports the sales with application assistance, campaign inquiries, and problem resolution.

Regularly organize internal sales meeting and produce or assist with production of sales and management reports.

Collaborate with Service and Marketing organization and monitoring of service issues, marketing activities and metrics for sales leads, from generation through to closure by the sales teams.

Required to support sales in bidding work and handle commercial issues and other preparation.

Provide assistance to management team of Segment on all aspects of the business.

Other duties as assigned from time to time by the supervisor.

  Education: Bachelor degree or above in international business, Science or relevant specialty   Skills/Abilities: 1 to 5 years working experience in customer service field or relative experience.

Good English skill in written and reading is a plus.

Be familiar with SAP system.

Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point.

Strong customer focus with the ability to communicate and interact professionally with our customers.

Strong learning capability and self-motivated.

Strong business, analytic, interpersonal, and communication skills.

Independent personality with great problem-solving skills, desire for responsibility and willingness to travel.

  福利优势:   五险一金以及补充商业医疗保险 带薪年假(每年10天) 工龄奖(从工作第六年开始) 免费午餐 交通补贴 节假日过节费 职业发展机会   关于 我们 :    奥力根工具集团公司是一家全球性的、拥有高端品牌的、售后市场驱动的精密切割工具平台。在奥力根工具,我们的目标是创建、培养和维持一种全球包容的文化,在这种文化中,差异化能驱动创新的解决方案,以满足我们员工和客户的需求。我们向各位有才能的个人发出邀请,不仅因为这是在做正确的事情,同时也是因为这将使我们的公司变得更加强大。 了解更多关于我们公司的信息,请访问我们的官方网站www.oregontool.com   奥力根工具集团公司将只雇佣具有合法就业许可的人员。 任何就业机会都需要通过背景调查和药物筛查。奥力根工具集团公司不歧视任何性别,种族,肤色,宗教,年龄,婚姻状况,国籍,公民身份,残疾,退伍军人,或任何其他受法律保护的身份。   在申请过程中,我们不会要求或收集任何机密的、专有的或敏感的个人身份信息(例如: 出生日期、驾驶证号码、或信用卡、银行账户或其他财务状况信息)。如果您提交此类信息,您将自行承担风险,我们将不承担任何责任或对您提交信息的后果负责。 本通知不可视为雇佣确认或创建任何雇佣的条件。


工作类型: 全职
合同类型: 永恒的
薪酬类型: 每月
职业: Customer service representative

⇐ 之前的工作

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