26699-智慧零售商业解决方案经理, Shenzhen
China, Guangdong, 深圳,
发表 October 31, 2024
-智慧零售商业解决方案经理 深圳 分享 分享岗位 方式1:复制岗位链接 方式2:分享岗位海报 手机扫描二维码分享 收藏 CSIG 点击了解更多BG信息 战略与投资 三年以上工作经验 更新于年06月07日 岗位职责 1.帮助零售商家挖掘腾讯生态潜力;研究大数据洞察的零售行业解决方案及标杆实践,为设计创新的零售行业解决方案提供建议;包括但不限于客群洞察研究、线下门店转型方案、LBS数据综合选址方案等;2.维护运营商家增长驱动平台,对接客户实际需求,整理数据及制订产品化交付方案;3.规划并设计产品的中长期发展,对接产品研发、数据侧;4.协助团队完成基于大数据分析的零售行业解决方案交付。 岗位要求 1.3-6年工作经验,互联网运营/tob产品/商业分析背景优先,具备独立开展商业分析工作能力;2.具备优秀的数据思维和强烈的数据决策意识, 严谨认真,注重细节,能够基于数据清理整合及分析提出有效的业务洞察及驱动业务的建议;3.具备2 B售前解决方案背景者优先;4.有较强的人际沟通、协调能力,并有丰富的团队沟通及内外部合作经验,推动客户业务战略决策的制定和落地 。 有较强的自驱力,优秀的分析及解决问题能力。
Tencent Holdings (Public Company, HKG:0700), the world's 3rd largest Internet services Company. Our corporate mission is to enhance people's quality of life by offering Internet services including instant messaging, online gaming, social networking, e-commerce, mobile services and more. With over 10,000 employees across the globe, you will expand your horizon and enrich your career with us.
As of September 30th, 2010, the active Instant Messaging (“IM”) user accounts has reached 636.6 million. Peak simultaneous online user accounts for IM services increased to 118.7 million. Active user accounts of Qzone increased to 481.2 million. has become China's most visited Internet portal website.
Tencent also have two US locations - Palo Alto, CA and Boston, MA.
IM (Instant Messaging) Service - QQ IM,
Online Media,
Mobile & Telecommunications Value-added Services,
Casual Gaming,
Internet Value-added Service,